10 signs you enjoy being a Scouter

As another year winds down and we look forward to another (assuming the Mayan calendar or a zombie attack doesn’t do us all in), we often take a moment to reflect on how things are going. Much of our thinking goes into evaluating what we’ve done and how we can do better going forward. After reading a post in Recognize This!, a blog written by employee recognition and reward consultant Derek Irvine, I got to thinking about my own experiences in Scouting and why I keep doing it. The post is titled Ten Signs You Love Your Job (Really) and his list is a counter to all those lists of reasons you might be unhappy. I’d like to offer some of my own reasons I enjoy being a Scouter, based on Derek’s list:

  • Scouters are my friends. I love what we do and the people who help me do it.
  • A Scout is helpful and I enjoy helping others. We share common goals.
  • Time flies when I’m on a campout, at summer camp or just talking to other parents behind the scenes at a troop meeting.
  • I don’t like missing campouts or troop meetings if I’m sick or otherwise can’t make it. I like to be there to support the Scouts and the troop.
  • Scouting helps me “recharge” for the week ahead and gives me inspiration to do better outside of Scouting.
  • I enjoy helping others succeed and recognizing them for it.
  • I’ll do a bit more if it helps the boys.
  • Other Scouters and parents may sometimes be troublesome but they don’t bother me because I’m focused on the boys.
  • I look for ways that we can support the boys rather than finding ways to tell them “no”.
  • I always keep the main aim in mind – the aims of the movement – and realize that I make a difference, no matter how small.

Let us know in the comments if there are any more ways you enjoy Scouting, based on Derek’s list, my list or your own experience.

Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This post first appeared on Bobwhite Blather.
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